Thursday, 27 October 2011

Topkapi Palace

The school's project club is trying to get ready for hosting our guests in May. We will take the guest students to some historical places. You think that Topkapi Museum should  be visited. Your teacher told you that you must prepare a presentation to persuade the project comittee to include Topkapi Palace trip in the programme. Answering the following questions and using some visuals prepare your presentation.

1. Where is the palace situated?
2. Which other historical places are near Topkapi palace?
3. How much is the enterance fee? Is it open everyday?
4. When was the palace built?
5. Why was Topkapi Palace important in the history?
6. When was the palace converted into a museum? Why?
7. What are the sections that a visitor must see?
8. Where do you arrive when you walk through the Imperial Gate? and how do you feel when you walk there?
9. What is Enderun?
10. Where is the flower garden and the marble terrace with a pool?
11. Which sections you enjoyed visiting most?
12. Why should we take our guests there?

Good Luck!

Thanks for all the hard work, I loved your presentations.

A friend is someone who ....

Unit 3 will be very enjoyable. We will talk and write about friendship, relationships, etc

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Here is your homework for Friday, 14th October:

Choose 10 words from the poster and do one of the following tasks
a) create a crossword puzzle
b) write a paragraph ( a 50 word story)
c) vocabulary quiz ( sentences/ fill in the gaps)

Wordle: unit 2 reading Turn up the music

What's your song? A Project

It is time to start unit 2 and here comes my favourite challenge.

You are going to prepare a compilation album. Choose 5 songs that you think they represent you. Tell me why you have chosen them.
For more inspiration, check what your friends had done in previous years:

I'm looking forward to listening to your songs.

Web 2.0 tools for your presentations and homework

You can use the following tools to create your digital homework and presentations.

glogster to create posters, summaries, reviews, etc
animoto to create online video shows, summaries,etc
photobucket to create video shows, summaries, etc
fakebook to create an imaginary profile pages for one of the characters from the story.
goanimate to create animations
bookr to summaries, character analysis,
The Newspaper Clipping Generator
Prezi using this very cool zooming presentation tool, you can create anything for the story.
Youblisher Make your pdf documents flippable and quickly loading
Letterpop to create eye-popping newsletters, presentations, summaries, reviews, etc.
BigHugeLabs many ideas to create a digital story using a photo.